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by Bruce Ackerman
Vice President of Evolocity, Inc., E-Marketing Specialist, & Special Correspondent for My Power Practice

They’re young.  They’re rich.  They’re in pain.  They need help—now—and they’re willing to pay for it.

Let’s face it.  Patients like that are every chiropractor’s dream.

So where do you find them?

On the internet—where they congregate in droves.

Consider this.  According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, nearly 85% of college graduates have internet access at home.  Ditto people aged 18-49. 

Compare that to the diminishing impact of "old media," like newspapers and yellow pages, where readership is drying up faster than a puddle in the Sahara Desert.

We’re living in the Information Age—which means that more and more, people are looking online before they make any purchasing decisions. 

Including healthcare.

If that doesn’t get your heart racing, then how about this?

With at least 10% of the population struggling with back pain (and other problems) at any given time, literally millions of people are looking for help online every single day—including hundreds and thousands of people (or more) right in your community

In other words, you’ve got a potential goldmine at your fingertips.

You see, when you’ve structured your online marketing systems properly, you’ll have leads pouring in around the clock. Educated, ready-to-commit-to-care leads. While you’re treating patients...during a romantic dinner out on the town...asleep in bed.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Trouble is, most chiropractors don’t know how to harness the power of online marketing. Oh sure, they may have a website...may even dabble in Pay-Per-Click advertising or cursory Search Engine Optimization...but until you’ve got a steady stream of prospects basically selling themselves on your services via online marketing, you’re underutilizing the internet’s persuasive power.

And while even a brief outline of all the strategies you could employ to beef up your practice’s web presence would take hundreds of articles (don’t worry; as you stay tuned to My Power Practice, you’ll find it all here)...what follows are the absolute BASICS of online marketing for chiros.

It’s not called the "Information Age" for nothing. Thanks to the internet, with literally billions of pages of facts and figures available at the click of a button, consumers are more educated about their options than ever before.

This bodes well for chiropractors, who, historically, have had a hard time getting the word out about the benefits of chiropractic.

Now you can tell your own story—espouse your own philosophy—define your own agenda...instead of having the medical community do it for you.

So whenever I set up an internet web strategy for clients, I make sure I do the following.

  1. Take Advantage of the Information Exchange.  People want information.  So I always include an offer for a special, FREE report.  Prospects enter their email address and other contact information to receive valuable tips about overcoming pain naturally, weight loss, nutrition, etc.—a major value for them.  And in exchange, YOU receive valid, working contact information that you can market to over and over again.  This is an extremely simple, inexpensive way to develop a long-term relationship...so if your site isn’t equipped with this basic capability, talk to your IT consultant today.

  2. Automated Means You Don’t Have to Touch It.  Even better, I set up a series of email autoresponders to continually correspond with new leads.  So when they enter their email address, they automatically receive their FREE report (no manual sending or monitoring required!), plus ongoing messages encouraging them to sign up for care, to call the office for more information, to take action TODAY to improve their wellness.  And since they requested the information, you know they’re qualified.

  3. Apply the Personal Touch.  What’s more, I always make sure I’m catering to each prospect’s unique, individual needs.  As opposed to creating a single catch-all site, I help clients build several smaller, symptom- or treatment-specific sites that are specifically targeted to people searching for information about neck pain, back pain, headaches, weight loss, decompression, or sciatica—for example.  This helps mitigate the "information overload" effect, and positions you as someone uniquely qualified to care for their INDIVIDUAL needs.  And who said technology wasn’t personal?

Each of the above steps are relatively simple to implement, and can make a huge impact on your bottom line.

I guarantee that as you begin to design your web strategy to automatically convert information-seekers into paying patients, you’ll appreciate the power of the World Wide Web—to the tune of huge profits in your pocket!

Until next time...

Bruce Ackerman is a top internet marketing specialist who has been harnessing the power of the web for over a decade.  A firm believer in chiropractic care, he has been exclusively dedicated to helping chiropractors build their practices through effective internet (and other) marketing strategies since 2004.  For more information, questions, or comments, see his company’s website at www.steeljaws.net, or write him at bruce@evolocity.com.


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